Learning From Each Other By Serving in Small Groups

The Under Somethings are ready for another great year! Watch here for details as each meeting and event date gets closer.
Most gatherings are on Friday evenings at 6:00 pm.  Any time and location changes are announced ahead of each gathering.  Contact Aaron Mood for more detailed information at 724.322.2449.  Coming up soon …
2/21/ 2025    Marriage Panel
                             Featuring Grace Couples

We meet because fellowship is a vital aspect of Christian life.  It encompasses both spiritual communion with God and relational connections with fellow believers. It is through fellowship we experience the fullness of life in Christ, grow in our faith, and fulfill our calling as members of the body of Christ.

On the 1st and 3rd Saturdays we gather in the fellowship area at Grace from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM.  We have an inspiring time getting to know each other, sharing prayer and praise concerns, studying the Word, and enjoying coffee and donut rounds.     So, if you are new to Grace
come check it out.



Struggling with Pornography? Trying Harder Doesn’t Work.

Conquer Can Help

Conquer meets at Grace on Tuesday evenings 6:30 pm-8-30 pm. For questions and registration contact patrickaterhune@gmail.com

View testimonials:   https://vimeo.com/727088030

The Grace Chancel Choir    Any vocalists and/or instrumentalists out there who would like to join and share their musical gifts to enhance worship, please contact a member of our music staff through our Administrative Assistant Brenda at 937-859-3941.  We normally practice together following the Fellowship meal at 12:30 pm and sing every other worship service.
There is a special children’s group fellowship table during the congregation a luncheon following worship!
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”  Matthew 19:44